Enterprise Search

Why are PEOPLE not finding what they need to find?

Written by Ian Sharp PhD on Feb. 1st, 2019

You don't say?... PEOPLE, are not finding what they need to find. That's an interesting observation. People... What people? Are you sure?

(muffled response)

You're kind-of sure?... Not a problem... Not a problem... Well it's better than nothing right? Why are you kind-of sure?...

(muffled response)

Mhm. Ok. I'm hearing you say "thats been my experience". Gotcha. Is that correct?

(muffled response)

Great. Great. So we're on the same page. Would you have collected some data on that?

(muffled response)

No? Okay. Maybe a little?

(muffled response)

(Muffled Response!)

Why? No reason to be upset. Okay. No, that's okay. We're off to some kind-of start. Better than starting nowhere. Better than nowhere.

(muffled response)

Absolutely. Well, let's just try and move on to the next part as best we can. Then shall we?

(muffled response)

Good. Good. What do they need to find? What are the things you speak of?

(muffled response)

You don't know really?

(muffled response)

Ok. So there are a few things you're relatively certain are the 'right things' for them to find. Perfectly normal. Perfectly normal. What else can you tell me?

(muffled response)

How certain are you of these are the 'things'? Because people said so, or because you said so?

(muffled response)

Ok. Got it.

(muffled response)

No. Perfectly normal. I realize you're doing the best you can to speak for people you've hardly had a chance to talk to.

Is it fair to say people might not need to find these things? Are you sure it's not just "You want them to find these things?"

(muffled response)

I couldn't quite make that out.

(Muffled Response!)

Got it. That's ok. let's move on.

(muffled response)

No. I got it. Ok. Let's recap. I put all these things down in a list here. It says: there's people. You're pretty sure who they are, but you're not certain. You think they're not able to find what they need. You're not certain on that either, but you're compelled to speak for what they need on their behalf. You've told me what you think they need... and therefore what they need to find. You maintain we don't need to speak to any of them because you're the subject matter expert. Lastly, you've given some examples of what you think they should find.


Does any of this sound familiar? Many questions are answerable, but many answers are certainly questionable - and more likely than not many questions are questionable too.


Dr Sharp helps businesses automate and optimize tasks. He is an expert in combining technology, big data, and pattern recognition with sales and marketing. If you're interested in learning more schedule an appointment today

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